Home of the Tri State Cobra Association

No dues, no rules, no regulations, no banners, no t-shirts. just a bunch of like-minded people getting together to share ideas, experience, and knowledge. Remember, ownership is not necessary, but enthusiasm is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Infamous Brotherhood Winery Tour 2001


Click here for a membership Survey

With 22 people showing up, the first social get-together of the Tri State Cobra Association got off without a hitch. The objective of this first meeting was to feel everyone out, and to get an idea of what people are looking to get out of this association. Out of these 22 people, an informal survey was taken on what activities people would be interested in doing, the tally is as follows:


Car Shows: 28

Drag Racing: 7

Road Racing: 19

Autocross: 13

Summer Cruise Nights: 17

Road Touring: 11



I believe things got off on the right foot, and I am hoping that this bunch can and will get together as a group for those activities which suit each individual, as they do say, there is strength in numbers. With this said, I would like to get feedback from those who were in attendance, let me know your honest opinion, and whether or not you think that the above concept will work or not.

Email your comments to me HERE

Look forward to seeing all of you again


Bill S.